Diplomamunka feladat a Fizikus mesterképzési szak hallgatói számára

A hallgató neve: specializációja:
A záróvizsgát szervező tanszék neve: BME NTI
A témavezető neve: Dr. Gergő Pokol
- tanszéke: BME NTI
- beosztása: egyetemi docens
- email címe: pokol@reak.bme.hu
A kidolgozandó feladat címe: A radiális transzport hatása az elfutó elektron populáció önkonzisztens modellezésére
A téma rövid leírása, a megoldandó legfontosabb feladatok felsorolása:

Runaway electrons in fusion experiments are a major threat to the integrity of the devices. These energetic electrons are generated in fusion plasmas when the accelerating force of the toroidal electric field overcomes the friction force acting on the electrons. In a plasma confined by a toroidal magnetic field, these electrons can reach relativistic speeds even in the presence of a moderate electric field. In tokamak-type fusion devices a plasma current of several MA is driven during operation. In case of the disruption of the plasma state (e.g. increased resistivity from sudden drop of temperature) a significant part of the electron population can turn into runaway electrons, resulting in a relativistic electron current of several 100 kA. If this beam hits the wall, it can cause serious damage to the device. Hence, the modelling of runaway electrons is an important task.

As part of the EUROfusion team, the Institute of Nuclear Techniques has a history in runaway electron modelling. The European Transport Simulator (ETS) is tokamak transport solver workflow, in which the runaway electron modelling is our responsibility [1]. The radial transport of the particles is usually much smaller then their speed, and hence neglected in many of the present runaway electron models. The aim of the thesis project is to extend the runaway electron modelling capabilities of the ETS by implementing radial transport into the workflow, then investigate the effect of this transport on the self-consistent modelling of the runaway electron populatuion. A step-by step approach will be adapted, first performing studies of simple model systems subject to diffusive and convective transport, and gradually progressing towards having a first-principle-based transport actor [2] in the ETS workflow.

[1] POKOL, G.I., et al., Runaway electron modelling in the self-consistent core European Transport Simulator, ETS, Nuclear Fusion 59 (2019) 076024.

[2] SARKIMAKI, K., et al., An advection–diffusion model for cross-field runaway electron transport in perturbed magnetic fields, Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion 58 (2016) 125017.

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*A témavezető jelen feladatkiírás aláírásával tudomásul veszi, hogy a BME TVSZ 145. és 146.§ alapján az egyetem a képzési célok megvalósulása érdekében a szakdolgozatok, illetve diplomamunkák nyilvánosságát tartja elsődlegesnek. A hozzáférés korlátozása csak kivételes esetben, a dékán előzetes hozzájárulásával lehetséges.
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