
Időpont Előadósort descending Cím esemeny_tipus
2022.10.07. 08:15 Zoltán György (ELTE) Electrically driven spin resonance with bichromatic driving Szeminárium
2017.05.11. 09:15 Zoltán Kovács-Krausz Influence of proximity on the weak localization effect in graphene heterostructures
2016.12.16. 12:15 Zoltán Kovács-Krausz Proximity effects in graphene
2020.03.02. 13:00 Zoltán Oktvátovity (BME) Out-of-time-ordered commutators in Dirac--Weyl systems Szeminárium
2021.05.07. 08:15 Zoltán Okvátovity (BME) Time dependent electric transport in nodal loop semimetals Szeminárium
2016.12.06. 13:15 Zoltán Okvátovity (BUTE Dept. Theor. Phys.) Anomalous hyperfine coupling and nuclear magnetic relaxation in Weyl semimetals
2016.12.09. 13:15 Zoltán Scherübl Bound states in hybrid superconductor-semiconductor nanostructures
2017.02.16. 10:45 Zoltán Scherübl Two-impurity Kondo problem in InAs nanowires
2016.05.17. 12:15 Zoltán Scherübl New directions in circuit QED
2015.10.20. 12:15 Zoltán Scherübl Recent results on interaction of quantum dot systems with resonators
