Optikailag detektált mágneses rezonancia centrumok ab initio elméleti és kísérleti vizsgálata

Nyomtatóbarát változatNyomtatóbarát változat
Cím angolul: 
Optically detected magnetic resonance centers from ab-initio theory and experiments
BSc szakdolgozat téma - alkalmazott fizika
BSc szakdolgozat téma - fizikus
MSc diplomamunka téma - nanotechnológia és anyagtudomány
MSc diplomamunka téma - optika és fotonika
MSc diplomamunka téma - kutatófizikus
Gali Ádám
Email cím: 
Atomfizika Tanszék
egyetemi tanár

good understanding quantum mechanics and/or solid state physics, interest in quantum information processing (quantum technologies)


We seek candidates for carrying out either magneto-optical measurements or first principles atomistic simulations. The candidate will study point defects acting as quantum bits in diamond and related materials by means of either advanced density functional theory calculations or experimental techniques based on optically detected magnetic resonance. Local computer facilities with scientific program packages and laboratory equipments are available to conduct this research. By exploring the magneto-optical properties of point defects in solids, one can utilize them for single photon sources, single quantum bits for quantum information processing applications, or nanometer spatial resolution ultrasensitive sensors for biology, space industry or materials science. In the experimental work, the optics and magnetic resonance are combined and these are controlled by special electronics. These efforts and studies will be carried out in a wide international network with leading laboratories all around the world. Results are expected to be published in prestigious journals as well as scientific workshops worldwide.

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