Doctoral school:
Fizikai Tudományok Doktori Iskola
Academic degree:
Network inhomogeneities can strongly affect the critical dynamics of spreading models if the graph
dimension is finite, causing large fluctuations and nonuniversal power-laws in extended control
parameter spaces. This provides an alternative or an extension of self-organized criticality, observed in
nature very frequently. These Griffiths Effects (GE) are generated by rare-regions and can be observed
even in finite scale-free graphs. Real networks are very often modular, that may enhance GE-s and may
lead to true Griffiths phases, where the fluctuations diverge. Participation in the research of GE-s in
various network models with large scale simulations or by other methods would be the target of this
topic. Besides spreading models, applicable to pandemics, we study synchronisation transitions from
this point of view in brain and in power-grid models, where frustrated synchronization and chimera states
emerge. Usage of an efficient tool, based on numerical solution of Kuramoto equation, for power-grid
cascade faliure simualtion is planned. GPU based simulations of critical connectome models is targeted.
Fluent in English, C programming practice, good knowledge in statistical physics,