2017.03.31. 08:15 |
Mircea Trif (Tsinghua Univ.) |
Dynamical Shiba states and bands in s-wave superconductors |
2017.11.15. 13:15 |
Attila Geresdi (TU Delft) |
On-chip microwave spectroscopy: The toolset to identify topological superconductivity |
2018.10.05. 08:15 |
Matteo Giordano (ELTE Dept. Theor. Phys.) |
Landau levels in lattice QCD in an external magnetic field |
2015.11.13. 09:15 |
Gergely Zaránd |
Universal Fermi liquid crossover and quantum criticality in a mesoscopic device |
2016.06.30. 14:15 |
Papp Dávid (North Carolina State University) |
2017.02.16. 08:15 |
Ferenc Simon |
High-frequency measurement techniques in solid-state research |
2017.09.22. 08:15 |
Géza Meszéna (ELTE Dept. Biol. Phys.) |
Biological adaptation from a physicist's point of view |
2016.04.07. 16:15 |
Komjáthy Júlia (TU Eindhoven) |
Explosive branching processes and their applications to epidemics and distances in power-law random graphs |
2016.11.24. 10:15 |
Havasi Ágnes (ELTE, Alkalmazott Analízis és Számításmatematikai Tsz.) |
A Richardson-extrapoláció és alkalmazása környezeti modellekben |