Mini-konferencia Dr. Fritz József tanár úr tiszteletére

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Dr. Fritz József tanár úr szeptembertől már nem fog tanítani a BME-n, és szeretnénk 2017. szeptember 1-én pénteken egy mini-konferencia keretében köszönetet mondani neki és elbúcsúztatni a tanszékről, az intézetből, amelyre minden kollégát szeretettel várunk.

A konferencia programja:

2017. szeptember 1. péntek BME Matematika Intézet, H épület 607 terem

10:00-10:45 Stefano Olla (Université Paris-Dauphine): Five variations on a Joska theme

10:45-⁠11:15 kávészünet

11:15-11:45 Bálint Péter (BME, Sztochasztika Tsz.): Towards the rare interaction limit of a billiard ball-⁠piston model

11:45-⁠12:15 Nagy Katalin (BME, Differenciálegyenletek Tsz.): TBA

12:15-⁠13:30 ebédszünet

13:30-14:15 Szász Domokos (BME, Sztochasztika Tsz.): Excerpts about Jóska from the 70's and 80's.

14:15-15:00 Tóth Bálint (MTA Rényi Alfréd Matematikai Kutatóintézet): Compensated compactness in hydrodynamic limits

15:00-⁠16:00 Koccintás Fritz József tanár úr tiszteletére, állófogadás

Bálint Péter
Towards the rare interaction limit of a billiard ball-⁠⁠piston model

A feature of the work of Joska Fritz that has always been very much inspirational for me is to consider problems that have a strong physics motivation, in particular to aim at the derivation of the macroscopic laws of nature from microscopic dynamical principles. Our work in progress -- joint with P. Nandori, D. Szasz and I.P. Toth -- has a long term goal of such a flavour. In my talk I would like to describe the billiard model that we consider, the Markov jump process that arises from it in the limit of rare ball-piston interactions and, if time permits, some of the technical challenges encountered.

Stefano Olla
Five variations on a Joska theme

Joska has been inspiring my (and others) work on hydrodynamic limits. I will present some recent results strictly related to Joska work, in particular on the hyperbolic scaling.

Szász Domokos
Excerpts about Jóska from the 70's and 80's

My reminscences will be focused 1. on the one hand around our joint activities founding the Budapest school in mathe-
matical statistical physics and 2. on the other hand around Jóska's breakthrough results, joint with Dobrushin, on the solution of infinite systems of Newton's equations in dimensions one and two.

Tóth Bálint
Compensated compactness in hydrodynamic limits

I will present a short survey of Jóska's innovative approach to hydrodynamic limit in the Eulerian scaling regime for cases when ordered coupling due to attractiveness is not available.