2020.01.30. 16:15 |
Jan Swart (UTIA Prague) |
Recursive tree processes and the mean-field limit of stochastic flows |
Szeminárium |
2021.02.19. 09:15 |
János Asbóth (BME) |
Anomalous Levitation and Annihilation in Floquet Topological Insulators |
Szeminárium |
2023.03.10. 09:15 |
János Asbóth (BME/Wigner) |
Coherent errors and readout errors in surface code |
Szeminárium |
2022.11.04. 09:15 |
János Asbóth (BME/Wigner) |
Quantum Entanglement: the Physics Nobel Prize 2022 |
Szeminárium |
2020.02.07. 09:15 |
János Asbóth (BME/Wigner) |
How Google achieved Quantum Supremacy with a 53-qubit chip |
Szeminárium |
2024.02.23. 09:15 |
János Asbóth (BME/Wigner) |
Floquet-Anderson localization in the Thouless pump and how to avoid it |
Szeminárium |
2017.12.08. 13:15 |
János Asbóth (Wigner RC) |
The The Surface Code -- how to realize topological quantum computing in the lab |
2017.12.08. 13:15 |
János Asbóth (Wigner RC) |
The Surface Code -- how to realize topological quantum computing in the lab |
2016.11.04. 13:15 |
János Asbóth (Wigner) |
2016 Nobel Prize in Physics |
2023.10.12. 16:15 |
János Engländer (Boulder, CO) |
Tree builder random walk |
Szeminárium |