
Időpont Előadónövekvő sorrend Cím esemeny_tipus
2017.03.16. 10:15 Zsuppán Sándor (Berzsenyi Dániel Evangélikus Gimnázium (Líceum), Sopron) Stokes problem, related inequalities, constants and representations
2016.12.02. 09:15 Zsolt Bagoly (ELTE Dept. Complex. Syst.) Searching for electromagnetic transients the Fermi GBM data with ADWO
2021.03.11. 06:30 Zoltán Zimborás (Wigner/BME) Fermion Sampling: merging the strengths of Random Circuit Sampling and Boson Sampling Szeminárium
2020.10.05. 12:15 Zoltán Zimborás (Wigner/BME) Mitigation of readout errors in near-term quantum devices by classical post-processing based on detector tomography Szeminárium
2022.03.18. 09:15 Zoltán Zimborás (Wigner) Fermion and Boson Sampling: new developments Szeminárium
2023.11.03. 09:15 Zoltán Udvarnoki (ELTE) Monte Carlo option pricing on quantum computers: is a quantum advantage achievable? Szeminárium
2019.11.22. 09:15 Zoltán Tajkov (ELTE) Competition of trivial and topological phases in graphene based hybrid systems Szeminárium
2017.02.16. 10:45 Zoltán Scherübl Two-impurity Kondo problem in InAs nanowires
2015.10.20. 12:15 Zoltán Scherübl Recent results on interaction of quantum dot systems with resonators
2016.12.09. 13:15 Zoltán Scherübl Bound states in hybrid superconductor-semiconductor nanostructures
