2016.10.07. 08:15 |
Balázs Király (BUTE Dept. Theor. Phys.) |
Evolutionary elementary coordination games on a square lattice |
2017.03.09. 10:15 |
Snorre Christiansen (University of Oslo) |
Gaussian curvature of piecewise flat manifolds |
2017.10.27. 08:15 |
Szabolcs Csonka (BME Dept. Phys.) |
Topologically protected ground state degeneracies in a two-spin system |
2015.12.09. 16:00 |
Révész Szilárd |
2016.12.09. 13:15 |
Zoltán Scherübl |
Bound states in hybrid superconductor-semiconductor nanostructures |
2018.09.14. 08:15 |
Balázs Dóra (BUTE Dept. Theor. Phys.) |
Out-of-time-ordered correlators in Luttinger liquids |
2017.05.24. 11:15 |
Yasir Iqbal (Würzburg) |
The diverse footprints of quantum spin liquids in 3D frustrated magnets |
2018.03.09. 09:15 |
Gábor Vattay (ELTE Dept. Complex. Sys.) |
Life at the edge of quantum chaos |
2017.02.15. 16:00 |
Titkos Tamás (MTA Rényi Intézet) |
A szinguláris rész mint fixpont |
2016.05.13. 08:15 |
Tamás Pálmai (BUTE Dept. Theor. Phys.) |
Entanglement entropy at criticality and away from it using the conformal Hilbert space |