2024.04.09. 10:30 |
Bugár Dávid |
Explicit error bounds for entanglement transformations between sparse multipartite states |
Szeminárium |
2022.11.29. 17:15 |
Polly Yu (NSF-Simons Center for Mathematical and Statistical Analysis of Biology, Harvard University) |
Weakly reversible and deficiency zero realizations: Structural characterization and uniqueness |
Szeminárium |
2020.02.21. 09:15 |
Eduardo Lee (Madrid) |
Szeminárium |
2023.11.03. 09:15 |
Zoltán Udvarnoki (ELTE) |
Monte Carlo option pricing on quantum computers: is a quantum advantage achievable? |
Szeminárium |
2021.02.26. 09:15 |
György Gyürki (Atomki) |
Nuclear astrophysics in the era of high precision astrophysics - an experimentalist's view |
Szeminárium |
2024.06.25. 12:30 |
Riccardo J. Valencia-Tortora (Mainz) |
Non-ergodicity in kinetically constrained models: localization, fragmentation, and confinement |
Szeminárium |
2021.11.22. 09:15 |
Thomas Kanne (Niels. Bohr Institute, Coppenhagen) |
Novel trends in growth of wires |
Szeminárium |
2023.05.26. 08:15 |
Balázs Hetényi (BME) |
Extending the geometric phase formalism to cycles with isolated degeneracy points and how to implement finite size scaling in the modern polarization theory |
Szeminárium |
2022.04.05. 14:15 |
Mike Zaletel (Berkeley) |
Twist, squeeze, stretch: topological physics in bilayer graphene |
Szeminárium |
2023.02.09. 13:00 |
Ireneusz Weymann (Poznan) |
Numerical renormalization group and its applications to time-dependent problems |
Szeminárium |