Below you find information about previous guests of the Faculty.
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Timothy O'Brien (Loyola University Chicago)Dr. O’Brien obtained his Ph.D. in Statistics from North Carolina State University, and he now serves as Professor and Graduate Program Director of the Applied Statistics program at Loyola University Chicago as well as campus-wide and external statistical consultant. Timothy O'Brien, Professor was awarded the Fulbright U.S. Scholarship to stay at the Department of Stochastics, BME in the fall semester 2021. He is lecturing at the Technical University of Budapest on "Applied Statistics and Likelihood Methods (ASLM)" and "Longitudinal Data Analysis and Time Series". |
Sir Michael Berry (University of Bristol)Sir Michael Berry is one of the best known scientists in the UK and a popular speaker on mathematics and physics.He is a theoretical physicist known for his research in the ‘borderlands’ between classical and quantum theories and ray and wave optics. His emphasis is on geometrical singularities such as ray caustics and wave vortices. He discovered the geometric phase, a phase difference arising from cyclically changing conditions with applications in many areas of wave physics, including polarisation optics and condensed matter. Sir Michael Berry visited Budapest and gave two talks at BME on December 12 and 13 (2018). |
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Prof. Dr. Maximilian Fleischer (Siemens Corporation)Maximilian Fleischer is a long years member of the Corporate Technology of Siemens AG, bridging academic and industrial research. His work includes piezoelectric motors, new types of semiconducting metal oxides, high-T electrochemical sensors, tunable laser diode spectroscopy for gas sensing, IR-spectroscopy for on-line analysis, work function type MEMS gas sensors and living cell based sensors. His recent activities focus to energy related topics: conversion of CO2 using renewable electricity into chemicals, new energy storage and dispersed photovoltaic energy generation. With the continuation of his gas sensor research, he received his habilitation in Physics and a honorary professorship from the Technical University of Budapest. He is lecturing at the Technical University of Budapest on "Trends in New Technologies and Products"
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Denis Weaire FRS (Trinity College, Dublin)Denis Weaire has made significant contributions to solid state theory, materials science and computational physics. He laid many of the foundations of the theory of amorphous tetrahedrally bonded semiconductors, beginning with a remarkable proof of the existence of a band gap for the Weaire–Thorpe Hamiltonian. Other achievements include the first simulations of structure, coarsening and rheology of a realistic two-dimensional foam, and the incorporation of Plateau borders. The computation of a three-dimensional structure (the Weaire–Phelan structure) which has cells of equal volume and a surface area less than that of Kelvin’s 1887 tetrakaidecahedra was hailed as a significant discovery for minimal surface theory as well as foam experiments. (from The Royal Society's Homepage) Applied Mathematics Day (April 29. 2019) |
Albert-László BarabásiAlbert-László Barabási introduced the concept of scale-free networks and proposed the Barabási-Albert model to explain their widespread emergence in natural, technological and social systems, from the cellular telephone to the World Wide Web or online communities. He is the Founding President of the Network Science Society. Barabási is a Fellow of the American Physical Society. In 2005 he was awarded the FEBS Anniversary Prize for Systems Biology and in 2006 the John von Neumann Medal by the John von Neumann Computer Society from Hungary. In 2004 he was elected into the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and in 2007 into the Academia Europaea. (from his homepage) Applied Mathematics Day (November 17, 2016) |