A tantárgy az alábbi témakörök ismeretére épít:
Kognitív idegtudomány, Kísérleti pszichológia, Kognitív pszichológia
A tantárgy szerepe a képzés céljának megvalósításában:
TTK Pszichológia Doktori Iskola tárgya
A tantárgy részletes tematikája magyarul és angolul:
The goal of this course is to provide students with hands-on experience creating publishable articles, and help them writing their dissertations. The course combines a lecture and workshop format: on the first day it follows a ppt lecture and on the second day of the week students bring their own writing to discuss and implement issues of the lecture. By Sunday students have to submit their writing for corrections. The course is in English: lectures and workshops are conducted in English (Hungarian can be used as needed), and students submit their writings in English.
Specifically, the course attempts to provide
- a historical overview of scholarly work,
- discussions on the research procedure as it relates to writing,
- actual solutions for students' writing
- one-on-one discussions about their specific writing issues, and
- provide an opportunity to present their research with advice on oral presentations.
Követelmények szorgalmi időszakban:
Students work on their own writing every week, and submit it by Sunday for corrections.
Követelmények vizsgaidőszakban:
They submit a final version of their writing and present their research the writing reflects.
Konzultációs lehetőségek:
Jegyzet, tankönyv, felhasználható irodalom:
Instructor brings handouts related to the ppt and to students' writing
Swales and Feak (2012): Academic Writing for Graduate Students is the book used for the handouts (not required!)