2016.04.07. 16:15 |
Komjáthy Júlia (TU Eindhoven) |
Explosive branching processes and their applications to epidemics and distances in power-law random graphs |
2018.02.28. 16:00 - 19:00 |
Cégvilág 2018 |
2018.11.06. 14:30 - 16:00 |
Dominik Zumbühl, University of Basel |
Szilárd Leó Kollokvium: Spins and their Orbits in Semiconductor Quantum Dots |
2016.10.06. 16:15 |
Bálint Péter |
Convergence of moments in dispersing billiards with cusps |
2017.03.17. 09:15 |
Karlo Penc (Wigner Res. Inst.) |
Berry phase induced dimerization in one-dimensional quadrupolar systems |
2017.05.25. 14:15 |
Philipp Hungerlaender és Franz Rendl |
Active set methods and the semismooth Newton method for convex quadratic programming |
2016.04.27. 16:00 |
Lovas Attila |
Qubit csatornák térfogata és a térfogat eloszlása a klasszikus csatornák felett |
2018.03.02. 09:15 |
Karlo Penc (Wigner Res. Inst.) |
Direct observation of spin-quadrupolar excitations in Sr2CoGe2O7 by high field ESR |
2018.11.27. 10:30 |
Ivanics Péter |
Hitchin-fibrálások egy szinguláris fibrummal |
2016.10.21. 08:15 |
Anita Heczel (ELTE Dept. Mat. Phys.) |
Microstructure and mechanical properties of High-Entropy Alloys |