2015.12.11. 09:15 |
András Pályi |
Valley qubit in a silicon quantum dot |
2018.02.16. 09:15 |
Krisztián Palotás (Bratisava / SZTE) |
First-principles-based simulation of scanning tunneling microscopy: From magnetic surfaces to molecular structures |
2018.11.13. 12:15 |
Karsai János |
The impact of vaccination on the spread of varicella in Hungary |
2016.09.30. 12:15 |
András Magyarkuti |
Nanoparticle array system as a tool in molecular electronics |
2016.04.05. 12:15 |
Peter Dombi (Wigner Research Center) |
Ultrafast nanooptics and its applications |
2017.03.16. 10:15 |
Zsuppán Sándor (Berzsenyi Dániel Evangélikus Gimnázium (Líceum), Sopron) |
Stokes problem, related inequalities, constants and representations |
2017.11.03. 09:15 |
Hiroshi Yasuoka |
Microscopic magnetic properties of the Weyl semi-metals NbP and TaP |
2016.12.14. 16:00 |
Weiner Mihály |
Lokalitás és mérés egy kvantumos rendszeren |
2018.09.27. 14:15 |
David Bartl |
A discrete variant of Farkas' Lemma, some related results, and homogeneous linear programming |
2016.02.09. 12:00 |
Koppa Pál, Barócsi Attila, Beleznai Szabolcs |
Oktatói értekezlet |