2017.03.02. 10:15 |
Sipos András Árpád (BME, Szilárdságtani és Tartószerkezeti Tsz.) |
Uniqueness of steady state, smooth shapes in a nonlocal geometric PDE and a model for the shape evolution of ooids |
2016.04.12. 08:00 |
Martin Gmitra (Regensburg) |
Spin-orbit coupling in graphene, few-layer graphene structures, graphite and role of functionalization |
2017.10.06. 08:15 |
István Mayer (MTA TTK) |
A Conceptual Problem with Calculating Electron Densities in Finite Basis Density Functional Theory |
2016.11.29. 10:30 |
Fodor Ferenc |
A Dvoretzky-Rogers lemma egy mértékelméleti változata |
2018.06.07. 16:15 |
Botond Szabó (Leiden) |
On the fundamental understanding of divide-and-conquer methods |
2017.04.27. 14:15 |
Morapitiye Sunil (BME) |
Operációkutatási modellek buszvezető hozzárendelési feladatra és alkalmazása |
2018.02.16. 09:15 |
Krisztián Palotás (Bratisava / SZTE) |
First-principles-based simulation of scanning tunneling microscopy: From magnetic surfaces to molecular structures |
2016.03.11. 09:15 |
Gábor Takács (BUTE Dept. Theor. Phys.) |
Particle Formation and Ordering in Strongly Correlated Fermionic Systems: Solving a Model of Quantum Chromodynamics |
2018.11.13. 12:15 |
Karsai János |
The impact of vaccination on the spread of varicella in Hungary |
2016.09.30. 12:15 |
András Magyarkuti |
Nanoparticle array system as a tool in molecular electronics |