
Időpont Előadó Cím esemeny_tipusnövekvő sorrend
2017.11.15. 13:15 Attila Geresdi (TU Delft) On-chip microwave spectroscopy: The toolset to identify topological superconductivity
2016.02.19. 09:15 Péter Rakyta Study of ballistic quantum antidots and dots situated in magnetic field
2018.10.05. 08:15 Matteo Giordano (ELTE Dept. Theor. Phys.) Landau levels in lattice QCD in an external magnetic field
2016.09.27. 12:15 Andras Gyenis (Princeton) Imaging electronic states on topological Dirac and Weyl semimetals using scanning tunneling microscopy
2017.03.09. 08:15 Miklós Kellermayer Nanomanipulation with light
2017.09.22. 08:15 Géza Meszéna (ELTE Dept. Biol. Phys.) Biological adaptation from a physicist's point of view
2016.04.05. 10:30 Szabó Szilárd Irreguláris Higgs nyalábok modulustereinek geometriája 1.
2016.12.02. 09:15 Zsolt Bagoly (ELTE Dept. Complex. Syst.) Searching for electromagnetic transients the Fermi GBM data with ADWO
2018.05.04. 08:15 Barna Imre Ferenc (Wigner Res. Cent.) Electron scattering and conduction in doped semiconductors in simultaneous strong infrared radiation field
2017.05.04. 07:15 László Oroszlány (ELTE) Simulation of nanostructures
