Engineering the structure of materials has reached a new level with the ability to assemble materials atomic layer by atomic layer, with controlled twist angles between the layers. Building artificial crystals with such an unprecedented control level, enables the design of novel properties and phenomena. The simplest example is the twisted bilayer graphene, where the individual graphene layers are normal conductors, but when we rotate one of the layers by a "magic" angle of 1.1-degree, the system becomes superconducting. At the Nanostructures Laboratory of the Centre for Energy Research, we have all the necessary infrastructure and expertise in the fabrication, characterization and integration into devices of such novel materials. The main task of the future PhD student will be to learn and apply various experimental techniques available at the Host Institute (motorized stacking system inside inert atmosphere, Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Atomic Force Microscopy, Raman spectroscopy) to perform cutting edge research at an internationally competitive level in the field of twistronics.