2023.02.09. 13:00 |
Ireneusz Weymann (Poznan) |
Numerical renormalization group and its applications to time-dependent problems |
Szeminárium |
2020.11.16. 13:15 |
Ion Cosma Fulga (IFW Dresden) |
Triple point fermions in a minimal symmorphic model |
Szeminárium |
2017.01.24. 12:00 |
Imre Sándor |
Kvantummechanika a távközlési és az informatikus mérnök szemével |
2019.06.17. 12:00 |
Ilya Vekhter (LSU) |
Interface symmetry and non-helical states in topological insulator-based heterostructures |
Szeminárium |
2018.09.27. 10:15 |
Ilona Nagy (BME, Department of Analysis) |
Two Limit Cycles in a Two-Species Reaction |
2018.11.22. 14:15 |
Illés Tibor- BME |
Predictor-corrector interior-point algorithms for sufficient linear complementarity problems |
2017.03.23. 14:15 |
Illés Tibor |
Farkas lemmától az EP-tételekig |
2017.10.12. 16:15 |
Ilkka Norros (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland) |
Regular Decomposition: an information and graph theoretic approach to stochastic block models |
2020.02.18. 14:30 - 15:30 |
Igor Jex (TU in Prague) |
Photons walking the line |
Szilárd Leó Kollokvium |
2017.03.14. 10:30 |
Hujter Mihály, Lángi Zsolt, G.Horváth Ákos |
Bezdek András 60 éves |