2016.03.04. 09:15 |
Endre Tóvári (BUTE Dept. of Physics) |
Edge states and quantum dots in suspended graphene |
2016.09.23. 12:15 |
Endre Tóvári |
Quantum dots and conducting channels in graphene's quantum Hall regime |
2017.04.20. 09:00 |
Endre Tóvári |
Conducting channels and localization in graphene in a magnetic field |
2022.01.18. 13:15 |
Enderalp Yakaboylu (Garching) |
Molecular Impurities as a Realization of Anyons on the Two-Sphere |
Szeminárium |
2016.11.09. 10:15 |
Előadó: Ferenczi Miklós |
Reprezentáció tételek az algebrai logikában |
2016.12.14. 10:15 |
Előadó: Borbély Gábor |
Vektoros szóbeágyazások az NLP-ben |
2021.10.05. 08:15 |
Elnaz Darsheshdar (U of Kurdistan) |
Spectral Properties of Coupled Two-Level Emitters |
Szeminárium |
2020.02.21. 09:15 |
Eduardo Lee (Madrid) |
Andreev bound states in hybrid superconductor-semiconductor nanowire devices |
Szeminárium |
2020.02.21. 09:15 |
Eduardo Lee (Madrid) |
Szeminárium |
2021.05.17. 12:15 |
Ed Barnes (Virginia Tech) |
Dynamically corrected gates from geometric space curves |
Szeminárium |