
Időpont Előadó Cím esemeny_tipusnövekvő sorrend
2016.03.18. 09:15 Balázs Újfalussy (Wigner Res. Inst.) First-principles theory of superconducting heterostructures
2016.09.30. 08:15 Attila Császár (ELTE Dept. Phys. Chem.) Spectroscopic networks
2017.10.19. 14:00 Rosario Corso (Università degli Studi di Palermo) Representation theorems for sesquilinear forms
2017.03.10. 09:15 Gergely Orbán (Wigner Res. Inst.) Stochastic representations in the nervous system
2018.06.18. 11:00 Andras Vasy (Stanford University) Microlocal analysis and its applications
2016.12.01. 10:15 Garay Barna (PPKE ITK) Metastabil forgó hullámok körkörösen csatolt oszcillátorok egy példájában
2015.11.13. 09:15 Gergely Zaránd Universal Fermi liquid crossover and quantum criticality in a mesoscopic device
2018.02.23. 09:15 Wataru Izumida (Tohoku Univ.) Zero energy edge states in carbon nanotubes with superconducting pairing
2017.05.11. 09:15 Zoltán Kovács-Krausz Influence of proximity on the weak localization effect in graphene heterostructures
2016.04.07. 16:15 Komjáthy Júlia (TU Eindhoven) Explosive branching processes and their applications to epidemics and distances in power-law random graphs
