
Időpont Előadócsökkenő sorrend Cím esemeny_tipus
2018.10.09. 12:15 Gáspár Vilmos Delayed Feedback Induced Multirhythmicity - Experiments and Models
2016.03.16. 16:00 Gehér György Pál (Szeged) Grassmann terek izometriái
2020.02.13. 16:15 Gergely Ódor (EPFL Lausanne) Sequential metric dimension for random graphs Szeminárium
2017.03.10. 09:15 Gergely Orbán (Wigner Res. Inst.) Stochastic representations in the nervous system
2017.02.10. 09:15 Gergely Palla Hierarchical organisation in complex networks
2017.03.03. 09:15 Gergely Szirmai (Wigner Res. Inst.) Quantum Magnetism with four component fermions
2015.11.13. 09:15 Gergely Zaránd Universal Fermi liquid crossover and quantum criticality in a mesoscopic device
2022.04.01. 08:15 Gergely Zaránd (BME) Kondo Cloud in a Superconductor Szeminárium
2024.05.03. 08:15 Gergő Pintér (BME) The geometry of the hermitian matrix space and the Schrieffer-Wolff transformation Szeminárium
2022.03.04. 09:15 Gergő Pintér (BME) Birth Quota of Non-Generic Degeneracy Points Szeminárium
