2017.11.10. 09:00 - 15:00 |
TTK Nyílt Nap - 2017 |
2018.09.13. 14:15 |
Györgyi Péter - ELTE SZTAKI |
Gépütemezés nem megújuló erőforráskorlátokkal |
2017.05.26. 17:00 - 19:00 |
Härtlein Károly |
Gyermeknapi fizika |
2015.10.20. 12:15 |
Zoltán Scherübl |
Recent results on interaction of quantum dot systems with resonators |
2018.03.29. 16:15 |
Tyler Helmuth (University of Bristol) |
Recurrence of the vertex-reinforced jump process in two dimensions |
2016.11.04. 09:15 |
Gábor Hofer-Szabó (Res. Inst. Humanities, HAS) |
On the Bell inequalities |
2016.04.29. 08:15 |
Michal Mruczkiewicz (Slovak Aced. Sci.) |
Particular Properties of Spin Waves in Magnonic Crystals |
2018.03.23. 09:15 |
Péter Vancsó (Energy Res. Inst. HAS) |
Novel spintronic device concept based on the magnetic edge state in graphene nanoribbons |
2017.04.11. 10:30 |
Molnár Emil-Szirmai Jenő |
Hiperbolikus pókháló-sokaságok |
2017.11.15. 13:15 |
Attila Geresdi (TU Delft) |
On-chip microwave spectroscopy: The toolset to identify topological superconductivity |