2018.05.17. 16:15 |
Tom Hutchcroft (Cambridge) |
Scaling exponents for high-dimensional spanning forests and sandpiles |
2017.04.20. 07:15 |
Róbert Gyurcsányi |
Nanoscale biosensors |
2018.02.28. 16:00 - 19:00 |
Cégvilág 2018 |
2016.02.09. 12:00 |
Koppa Pál, Barócsi Attila, Beleznai Szabolcs |
Oktatói értekezlet |
2018.11.06. 14:30 - 16:00 |
Dominik Zumbühl, University of Basel |
Szilárd Leó Kollokvium: Spins and their Orbits in Semiconductor Quantum Dots |
2016.10.06. 16:15 |
Bálint Péter |
Convergence of moments in dispersing billiards with cusps |
2017.03.17. 09:15 |
Karlo Penc (Wigner Res. Inst.) |
Berry phase induced dimerization in one-dimensional quadrupolar systems |
2016.04.26. 12:15 |
Bálint Fülöp |
Origins of Nonlocality in Graphene - Addressing spin-Hall & inverse spin - Hall effect |
2017.10.26. 16:15 |
Jiri Cerny (Vienna) |
The maximum of branching random walk in spatially random branching environment |
2016.12.08. 16:15 |
Balázs Gerencsér (Rényi Institute) |
Consensus and mixing on Small World Networks |