
Időpont Előadó Cím esemeny_tipuscsökkenő sorrend
2018.12.13. 16:15 Aran Raoufi (ETH Zürich) Existence of phase transition for percolation using the Gaussian Free Field
2018.09.28. 08:15 Spyros Sotiriadis (U. Ljubjana) Correlation Functions of the Quantum Sine-Gordon Model in and out of Equilibrium
2015.10.30. 09:15 András Deák Magnetism of Gadolinium: A First-Principles Perspective
2017.03.02. 10:15 Sipos András Árpád (BME, Szilárdságtani és Tartószerkezeti Tsz.) Uniqueness of steady state, smooth shapes in a nonlocal geometric PDE and a model for the shape evolution of ooids
2017.01.05. 16:15 Alan Hammond (UC Berkeley) Self-avoiding polygons and walks: counting, joining and closing
2017.10.06. 08:15 István Mayer (MTA TTK) A Conceptual Problem with Calculating Electron Densities in Finite Basis Density Functional Theory
2016.05.20. 08:15 Gábor Halász (Oxford Univ.) Hole dynamics in exactly solvable gapped and gapless spin liquids
2016.10.27. 16:15 Dr. Varga Katalin és Szendrei Tibor (Magyar Nemzeti Bank) Faktor alapú pénzügyi stressz index (FISS)
2019.01.15. 08:30 Oleksandr Zheliuk Switching Ising pairing by field-effect control of Josephson coupling in suspended MoS2 bilayers
2018.10.11. 10:15 Kovács Róbert (BME, Department of Energy Engineering) Analytical and numerical solutions of dissipative systems
