2022.10.11. 14:30 - 16:00 |
Klaus Ensslin (ETH) |
Tunable electron correlations in twisted and untwisted graphene layers |
Szilárd Leó Kollokvium |
2020.10.27. 14:30 - 16:00 |
Raffai Péter (ELTE) |
A New Window to the Universe: Gravitational Waves |
Szilárd Leó Kollokvium |
2019.03.26. 14:30 - 16:00 |
Kis András (EPFL) |
Exciton Manipulation for Valley/Spin Devices with 2D TMDCs |
Szilárd Leó Kollokvium |
2021.10.12. 14:30 - 16:00 |
Dr. Makk Péter (Fizika Tanszék) |
Electronic transport in designer van der Waals materials |
Szilárd Leó Kollokvium |
2016.04.06. 16:00 |
Pataki Gergely |
Az infimális konvolúcióról |
2017.10.03. 12:15 |
Kói Tamás |
Error Exponents for Random Access Models and the Capacity Region of Partly Asynchronous Multiple Access Channel |
2016.11.09. 16:00 |
Andai Attila, Lovas Attila |
Is the world more classical or more quantum? |
2018.06.21. 16:15 |
János Engländer (Boulder, Colorado) |
Turning a coin over instead of tossing it |
2017.04.20. 09:00 |
Endre Tóvári |
Conducting channels and localization in graphene in a magnetic field |
2018.02.06. 10:30 |
Molnár Emil |
Poliéder-sokaságok és nem-euklideszi krisztallográfia |