2018.11.09. 16:00 - 18:00 |
Matolcsi Máté, a Matematika Intézet egyetemi tanára |
Kvantumtitkosírás (Science Campus előadássorozat) |
2024.05.14. 10:30 |
Matszangosz Ákos |
Irányított Grassmann sokaságok kohomológiája |
Szeminárium |
2018.10.05. 08:15 |
Matteo Giordano (ELTE Dept. Theor. Phys.) |
Landau levels in lattice QCD in an external magnetic field |
2022.03.22. 16:00 |
Matthew Johnston (Lawrence Technological University) |
Analyzing Steady States of Mass Action Systems through Network Splitting |
Szeminárium |
2015.11.10. 13:15 |
Matthias Droth (Univ. Konstanz) |
Electron spin relaxation in graphene nanoribbon quantum dots |
2024.05.10. 08:15 |
Maxime Le Ster (Lodz) |
Moiré plane wave expansion model for simulating STM images of incommensurate 2D materials |
Szeminárium |
2023.04.04. 17:15 |
Maya Mincheva (Northern Illinois University, Dekalb IL) |
Reaction networks with time delays |
Szeminárium |
2021.05.06. 16:00 |
Michael Freitas Gustavo (Center of Molecular Modeling, Ghent University) |
Reparameterization of Computational Chemistry Force Fields Using Globally Managed Parallel Optimization |
Szeminárium |
2016.04.29. 08:15 |
Michal Mruczkiewicz (Slovak Aced. Sci.) |
Particular Properties of Spin Waves in Magnonic Crystals |
2015.11.20. 09:15 |
Mihály Kállay |
Linear-scaling electronic structure methods for large molecular systems |