
Időpont Előadócsökkenő sorrend Cím esemeny_tipus
2016.09.30. 08:15 Attila Császár (ELTE Dept. Phys. Chem.) Spectroscopic networks
2020.06.11. 08:00 Attila Geresdi (Chalmers) ABS in cQED 101 Szeminárium
2016.11.18. 13:00 Attila Geresdi (TU Delft) On-chip spectroscopy of the 4π periodic Josephson effect in InAs nanowires
2017.11.15. 13:15 Attila Geresdi (TU Delft) On-chip microwave spectroscopy: The toolset to identify topological superconductivity
14:30 - 16:00
Attila Krasznahorkay (ATOMKI) New results supporting the existence of the X17 particle Szilárd Leó Kollokvium
2020.10.19. 12:15 Attila Szabo (Cambridge) Neural network wave functions and the sign problem Szeminárium
2015.12.18. 09:15 Attila Szilva Microscopic origin of Heisenberg and non-Heisenberg interatomic exchange in bcc Fe
2024.05.07. 17:15 Badal JOSHI (California State University San Marcos) Computation with reaction networks Szeminárium
2023.09.22. 08:15 Baksa Kolok (BME) Protocols to measure the non-Abelian Berry phase by pumping a spin qubit through a quantum-dot loop Szeminárium
2016.04.14. 16:15 Balázs BÁRÁNY (BME) Application of the Furstenberg measure for self-affine systems
