
Időpont Előadó Cím esemeny_tipusnövekvő sorrend
2015.11.03. 13:15 Pawan Srivastava Liquid Phase Exfoliation of Graphene: An Investigation on Effect of Dielectric Environment on Carrier Mobility and Doping
2017.04.19. 10:00 Farkas Máté (Gdansk) Optimal QRAC strategies and an extension of the MUB condition
2019.01.16. 14:15 Krzysztof Domino Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, PAS, Gliwice The use of copulas to model non-Gaussian distributed multivariate data
2018.02.23. 14:15 Bálint Tóth (Bristol, Rényi) Invariance principle for the random Lorentz gas beyond the Boltzmann-Grad (or, Gallavotti-Spohn) limit II.
2018.10.19. 12:00 Fernando Gonzalez-Zalba Gate-based spin readout
2016.04.22. 08:15 Péter Vrana (BUTE Dept. Geom.) Homological codes and abelian anyons
2016.09.27. 10:30 Szabó Szilárd Stabilitás-⁠vizsgálat szinguláris spektrál-⁠görbéken 2.
2017.03.08. 16:00 Sáfár Orsolya (BME, Mat. Int.) Evolúciós algoritmusok
2017.10.20. 12:15 Gábor Széchenyi (ELTE) Introduction to one-dimensional topological superconductivity
2016.12.07. 16:00 Pálfia Miklós (Sungkyunkwan University) Löwner's theorem in several variables
