
Időpont Előadó Címnövekvő sorrend esemeny_tipus
14:30 - 15:30
Dr. Simon Ferenc (BME) The first 70 years of spintronics Szilárd Leó Kollokvium
2017.05.24. 11:15 Yasir Iqbal (Würzburg) The diverse footprints of quantum spin liquids in 3D frustrated magnets
2024.04.19. 08:15 Tibor Rakovszky (Stanford) The dissipation-assisted approach to quantum transport: extensions and new results Szeminárium
2019.01.31. 16:15 Bálint Virág (Toronto) The Directed Landscape
2024.03.19. 17:15 Jiaxin JIN The Dimension of the R-Disguised Toric Locus of a Reaction Network Szeminárium
2018.05.31. 16:15 Tyler Helmuth (Bristol) The continuous-time lace expansion and its applications
2025.01.22. 13:15 Raz Firanko (Technion) The complexity of steady states of detailed balance Lindbladians Szeminárium
2016.09.05. 11:00 Frank Hauke (Erlangen-Nurnberg) The Chemistry of Carbon Allotropes and Beyond
2019.04.05. 08:15 Mikhail Lemeshko (IST Austria) The angulon quasiparticle: from molecules in superfluids to ultrafast magnetism Szeminárium
2015.12.08. 13:15 Csanád Örs Boros The 100th anniversary of the four-point probe technique
